Macau History

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  1. Macau History And Culture
  2. Macau China
  3. Macau History Museum

Skycab Cable Car (Wynn Palace) 439. 'You can ride this cable car from street and bring you into the. Macau (/ m ə ˈ k aʊ / ; 澳門, Cantonese:; Portuguese: ), also spelled Macao and officially the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is a city and special administrative region of the People's Republic of China in the western Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea. Macau Property Opportunities Fund Limited (MPO) is a closed-end investment company registered in Guernsey, and the only quoted property fund dedicated to investing in Macau, the world’s largest gaming market and the sole city in China in which gaming has been legalised.

In the early 1550s, Portuguese merchants sailed to the mouth of the Pearl River delta looking to establish a trading post in southern China. In 1557, they were granted land by the Ming-dynasty government, under an agreement stating that it would fall under the jurisdiction of Guangdong province Chinese officials. It remained like this up until 1887, when the Portuguese officially leased the land for a period of 40 years. After that time, Macau officially become a colony of Portugal.


Macau History And Culture

From the moment that the Portuguese stepped foot on Macau’s shores, they maintained special rights and a higher social status than the local Chinese. This led to unrest among the Chinese, and sometimes even violent outbursts, such as the assassination of Gov. Ferreira do Amaral in 1849. During the communist Cultural Revolution in mainland China, a riot broke out in Macau during the infamous “12-3 incident”, which led to a decrease in Portuguese sovereignty over the territory. In 1974, after the “Carnation Revolution” in Portugal, the Portuguese government officially declared intentions of returning control of Macau back to the Chinese government.

Hong Kong
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Macau China

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Chi-Keung Leung
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 1994–97. Former Editor, Asian Geographer. Author of China: Railway Patterns and National Goals.
Alternative Titles: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hsiang-kang, Xianggang Tebie Xingzhengqu

Hong Kong, special administrative region (Pinyin: tebie xingzhengqu; Wade-Giles romanization: t’e-pieh hsing-cheng-ch’ü) of China, located to the east of the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) estuary on the south coast of China. The region is bordered by Guangdong province to the north and the South China Sea to the east, south, and west. It consists of Hong Kong Island, originally ceded by China to Great Britain in 1842, the southern part of the Kowloon Peninsula and Stonecutters (Ngong Shuen) Island (now joined to the mainland), ceded in 1860, and the New Territories, which include the mainland area lying largely to the north, together with 230 large and small offshore islands—all of which were leased from China for 99 years from 1898 to 1997. The Chinese-British joint declaration signed on December 19, 1984, paved the way for the entire territory to be returned to China, which occurred July 1, 1997.

Macau History Museum

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The area of Hong Kong (Pinyin: Xianggang; Wade-Giles: Hsiang-kang) has expanded over the years, and it has continued to grow as more land has been reclaimed from the surrounding sea. Hong Kong Island and its adjacent islets have an area of only about 31 square miles (81 square km), while urban Kowloon, which includes the Kowloon Peninsula south of Boundary Street, and Stonecutters Island measure about 18 square miles (47 square km). The New Territories account for the rest of the area—more than 90 percent of the total. The Victoria urban district located on the barren rocks of the northwestern coast of Hong Kong Island is the place where the British first landed in 1841, and it has since been the centre of administrative and economic activities.

Hong Kong developed initially on the basis of its excellent natural harbour (its Chinese name means “fragrant harbour”) and the lucrative China trade, particularly opium dealing. It was the expansion of its territory, however, that provided labour and other resources necessary for sustained commercial growth that led to its becoming one of the world’s major trade and financial centres. The community remains limited in space and natural resources, and it faces persistent problems of overcrowding, trade fluctuations, and social and political unrest. Nevertheless, Hong Kong has emerged strong and prosperous, albeit with a changed role, as an entrepôt, a manufacturing and financial centre, and a vital agent in the trade and modernization of China.




Hong Kong has rugged relief and marked variations in topography, which is in sharp contrast to the low-lying areas of the Pearl River Delta region but conforms geologically and structurally to the well-eroded upland region of the great South China massif. Structurally, the area is an upfold, running northeast-southwest, that was formed about 150 million years ago toward the latter part of the Jurassic Period. Lava poured into this structure and formed volcanic rocks that were later intruded by an extensive granitic dome. The harbour of Hong Kong was formed by the drowning of the denuded centre of the dome. The surrounding hills on the mainland and on Hong Kong Island are partly capped by volcanic rocks, and steep, scarplike concave slopes lead to the inner harbour.

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The area is a partially submerged, dissected upland terrain that rises abruptly to heights above 2,950 feet (900 metres); its backbone is made up of a series of ridges, running northeast to southwest, that tie in closely with the structural trend in South China. This trend is clearly observable from the alignment of Lantau Island and the Tolo Channel. From Mount Tai Mo—at 3,140 feet (957 metres) the highest peak in the territory—the series of ridges extends southwestward to Lantau Island, where the terrain rises to 3,064 feet (934 metres) on Lantau Peak and 2,851 feet (869 metres) on Sunset Peak. Extending southeastward from Mount Tai Mo, the Kowloon Peak attains an elevation of 1,975 feet (602 metres), but there is an abrupt drop to about 650 feet (198 metres) at Devil’s Peak. Victoria (Hong Kong) Harbour is well protected by mountains on Hong Kong Island that include Victoria Peak in the west, which rises to 1,810 feet (552 metres), and Mount Parker in the east, which reaches a height of about 1,742 feet (531 metres).

Lowlands of the Hong Kong region, including floodplains, river valleys, and reclaimed land, occupy less than one-fifth of the land. Extensive lowland regions are found only north of Mount Tai Mo, in the Yuen Long and Sheung Shui plains. The urban area that spans the two sides of the harbour, with ongoing reclamation, takes up only about one-tenth of the level area.


Hong Kong lacks a river system of any scope, the only exception being in the north where the Sham Chun (Shenzhen) River, which forms the boundary between Guangdong and Hong Kong, flows into Deep Bay after collecting a number of small tributaries. Most of the streams are small, and they generally run perpendicular to the northeast-southwest trend of the terrain. The construction of reservoirs and their catchment systems has reduced the amount of fresh water available downstream.


In general, Hong Kong’s soils are acidic and of low fertility. An exception is the alluvial soils, which are found mainly in the Deep Bay area, where the sediment-laden waters of the Pearl River estuary meet saline waters at high tide and slow down to deposit their sediments to form mudflats. Paddyrice farming and, more recently, intensive vegetable cultivation have modified the alluvial soils. Elsewhere, hill soils, classified as red-yellow podzolic and krasnozem, abound. Under forest, these hill soils have a well-developed profile, with rich topsoil, but, when they are exposed, as is mostly the case, they tend to be thin and lacking in nutrients. Under tropical conditions, sheet and gully erosion is extensive and drastic.

Administrative region, China
Official name
Xianggang Tebie Xingzhengqu (Chinese); Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (English)
Political status
special administrative region of China with one legislative house (Legislative Council [701])
Head of state
President of China: Xi Jinping
Head of government
Chief Executive: Carrie Lam
Government offices
See footnote 2.
Official languages
Chinese; English
Official religion
Monetary unit
Hong Kong dollar (HK$)
(2020 est.) 7,432,000
Population rank
(2019) 103
Population projection 2030
Total area (sq mi)
Total area (sq km)
Density: persons per sq mi
(2018) 17,402
Density: persons per sq km
(2018) 6,719
Urban-rural population
Urban: (2018) 100%
Rural: (2015) 0%
Life expectancy at birth
Male: (2017) 81.7 years
Female: (2017) 87.7 years
Literacy: percentage of population age 15 and over literate
Male: (2002) 96.9%
Female: (2002) 89.6%
GNI (U.S.$ ’000,000)
(2017) 342,344
GNI per capita (U.S.$)
(2017) 46,310
  • 1Thirty-five seats are directly elected by ordinary voters, and the remaining 35 are elected by special interest groups.
  • 2On Hong Kong Island in historic capital area of Victoria.